HF Radio Series 3003
HF Radio Series 3003 is a family of software-based, multi-purpose, high-performance and modular equipment in the frequency range 10 kHz to 30 MHz (receive) and 1.5 MHz to 30 MHz (transmit). It is comprising the transceivers TTRX 3050 (500 W) / TRX 3100 (1 kW), the transmitters TX 3500 (5 kW), TX 310K/FH (10 kW) and the VLF/HF receiver RX 3002.
The Equipment family features identical basic modules for the receivers as well as transmit-ters/transceivers. This modular building structure not only results in cost savings for production and provides for product versatility but also implies advantages with respect to integrated logistic support and high upgrade potential.
The radios can be operated via the built-in front panel display which assists during menu-driven opera-tion and/or via the detached front panel DFP 3000 T or, alternatively, by using the remote control ter-minal UT 3002. Parameter settings are achieved via soft keys and/or flywheel and appropriate keypad elements on the front panel.
To adapt the transceivers to the corresponding antennas various antenna tuning units are available for up to 1kW HF.
Product overview
- Receiver RX 3002/RX 3003 BC or M
- Transceiver TRX 3050
- Transceiver TRX 3100
The modular design structure, available range of built-in and external system options, and extensive software support guarantees flexible adaptation to current and future radio communication require-ments, including network applications.